SCC - definição. O que é SCC. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é SCC - definição

S.C.C.; SCC (disambiguation)

Serial Communication Controller
Softarc Certified Consulter (Reference: SoftArc)
Specialized Common Carrier



SCC may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para SCC
1. publically trading company now is required by the SCC  to report to them using XBRL
David Stephenson _ Talks at Google
2. We had cold called the SCC and hadn't gotten totally clear
Pursuing Passions & Entrepreneurship _ Jessica Jackley _ Talks at Google
3. to the SCC.  But behind the firewall you have literally five organizations in the whole
David Stephenson _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para SCC
1. The SCC won the contract despite competition from international companies.
2. Saudi Cable Co. (SCC) shares surged '.67 percent to SR76.50.
3. Linjawi, group president and managing director of SCC.
4. SCC Sales Rise to SR46' Million RIYADH, 1' July 2006 — The Saudi Chemical Company (SCC) announced that the company made sales of SR46' million for the first half of 2006 compared with SR456 million for the same period last year.
5. Arab News JEDDAH, 1' October 2005 — Saudi Cable Company (SCC) Group President and Managing Director Dr.